Title: Bulletborn Author: skullchi Pairing: Siwon/Krystal (Siwon/Sooyoung, Minho/Krystal later) Chapter: 1/? Rating: PG-13 (for now) Genre: Drama, AU Summary: An au about cheap thrills and a rough life. Krystal's simply a girl looking for something and Siwon's there to be her protector. It just happens to be that his life includes a little danger too. But
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Title: Can't Touch This Pairing: Yesung/Victoria Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU!Romance Length: One-Shot Summary: She trains day by day until she's at her best, aspiring to be more than what she is, to keep life in balance. The man who watched her intently, who decides she deserves everything and goes beyond the scale.
TITLE:HE HAD A BAD DAY PAIRING:HenBer[Henry x Amber] GENRE: fluff,romance RATING:PG 13 DISCLAIMER: don't own 'em... SUMMERY:Henry was having a bad day...until, of course,the hero came around... chapter 1: http://firefly-amulet.livejournal.com/7826.html#cutid1
title: we sure are cute for two ugly people pairing: amber/henry rating: pg-13 (pregnancy, swearing) genre: general length: ~2800 words summary: amber gets pregnant, henry is (and has always been) in love. inspired by juno.
Title: Little Deaths and Dynasties Author: canttakeabreath Pairing: Kyuhyun/Victoria, Siwon/Stella, Sungmin/Minah, Amber/Victoria Rating: PG-13 Summary: There’s enough emotional dishonesty in SM to fuel a mid-sized country of broken hearts. (And everyone pretends to be okay with falling in love with someone else.)